
We received the bed on Saturday, Feb. 23rd and Avery used it that evening...She got the best night's sleep (than) in the previous two weeks. She woke up happy like she used to and has not had any issues with vomiting in the morning...she is sleeping upright and on her back the entire night which is incredible since she has always slept on her stomach and knees folded in to her tummy. The neurosurgeon was talking about replacing the valve in her posterior brain that controls the cerebral shunt but now that is being delayed since Avery has been doing so well for almost a week. Avery's parents have also had more rest and are so appreciative for this bed. We all cannot thank you enough for making this bed affordable and attainable at such a difficult time for our little angel.
Thanks so much again,
-Dianne C
Bless you! My daughter is adopted and has CP (no reflux) She went into foster care at age three and it was a horrible situation with purely custodial care. She had a habit of sitting up in bed and rocking until she would fall asleep face foreword in the bedding and several times after bringing her home 1 1/2 years ago I found her with 02 sats in the 70's. Her neuro tried various meds to promote deep sleep to no avail. I finally took her into bed with me and she slept better. I did not! as she was like a magnet glued to me. A friend got one of your beds for reflux for her child and I looked it up read your description and the testimonials and ordered one. It came last Friday . I set it up on the floor next to my bed and she slept all night! She has continued to sleep all night since. Today I moved it into her bedroom in her bed so we will see if she still sleeps there. She looks so peaceful and comfy in it like a hug all night long. I did add a pillow under the foot as she still slid down off the bed until I did that. She is 45 inches long and 56 pounds and will not be growing due to a medical error.
-Virginia Sears
I have wanted to write you this letter for a while now, but I had a lot of sleep to catch up on! I am now a rested momma with a happy toddler thanks to your amazing bed. Our 21-month-old son was diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) last winter. His primary symptom is painful acid reflux that occurs when he is lying flat for an extended period of time. When he was in infant, he slept in an inclined cradle. He outgrew that at 5 months old and we moved him into his crib. From that point on he did not sleep more that 2-3 hours at a time with out waking up screaming in pain. It would take me at least 1 hour each time to get him back to sleep – I would nurse and rock him until he stopped crying. This went on all night, every night for 11 months. Then last July when we came across your Comfy Bed online. It was a lot of money for us and we were nervous it wouldn’t work.
It took our son 3-4 nights to get used to the newness of it – but once he did, he started sleeping 11-12 hours almost every night. He does not wake up crying from reflux pain. We had tried many homeopathic and conventional medications as well as taking him to pediatric chiropractor. 2 months after getting this bed, we took our son completely off all medication. He is doing great! I cannot thank you enough. I wish that more GI doctors were informed about your bed as a treatment option for children with severe reflux. I have shown pictures to our GI doctor at Phoenix Children’s Hospital as well as our pediatrician. This bed is AMAZING.
One more bit of feedback – 1 month after we got this bed, we took a cross-country flight for vacation. We couldn’t imagine leaving the bed behind – not when we finally had started to get some sleep! Thanks to some quick thinking mommy friends, I got the idea to use Space Bags to pack the mattress. I bought 2 jumbo bags and with my husband’s help, we were able to shrink the entire bed into 2 bags and get them into 1 suite case! If you would like us to send you a video of how we did it for your other customers, we would be happy to. The bed arrived in great shape and we have traveled with it on a few other occasions with great success!
So thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your wonderful bed! If there is any way we can help your company in return, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Take care,
-Breeze Odeen
Mr. Rubio,
I just wanted to let you know how much we love the product you have designed. The first night that we had our baby sleep in it, she slept for 5.5 hours straight. She was never able to sleep more than 1.5 hours at a time before no matter what she was in. She is now able to take 3 hour naps. It has been a blessing to ease her pain and allow her to sleep comfortably. Thank you for designing such a superior product. I've let the PAGER association know of this wonderful product to tell other parents of babies with GERD. We also appreciate your always answering questions about the item. I even saw some ladies looking at another positional sleep device in Babies R Us and I was telling them about your bed. If it will help one more child from suffering, I would do anything to let parents know of this item. Again, thank you for your innovative invention.
Most Sincerely,
-The McGraths
Dear Mr Rubio,
I am writing to let you know how happy we are with the ComfyBed. Since Sophia has been sleeping in it we have had very little breathing problems or reflux and she has been sleeping through the night for the first time in her life. I finally feel confident that she is sleeping safely and can now sleep more easily myself. Our household is a much more relaxed and happy place to be now that we are all getting some decent rest at night.
Everyone who has seen the bed have been amazed, and have asked why there is nothing like that here in Australia and why it has taken so long to find this sleeping solution for our daughter. If only we had known about it sooner! I shall definitely be recommending the bed to all who need it, and next time we visit Sophia's gastro specialist will be telling her all about it as well. I really feel the need to get the word out there about this bed; it would help so many families like ours (EA/TEF). We were running on empty, so exhausted all the time and only just coping day by day. Now we can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you so much.
For your information, there were no extra costs upon the bed entering Australia, no customs or duties fees. I have also been told I may be able to get a grant to reimburse me the cost of the bed, as Sophia is registered under a disability allowance because of her condition. This is exciting news and hopefully will result in many more in Australia having access to your Comfy Bed!
Our son Luke is now 11 months old and has been suffering from acid reflux since he was born. He has been diagnosed failure to thrive and was 9 lbs 12.5 oz when he was born. He is only 18 lbs 5 oz now.
I came across the ad for your comfort lift pillow bed on a website and decided to order the bed in hopes that we would not have to put him back on any medication. Mr. Rubio, your bed design is a life saver for Luke and our whole family. The first night we put him to sleep he slept for 8 hours straight.
We thank the Good Lord above for answering our prayers. We are so thankful to you for this bed design. No matter how he turns around in bed he is still elevated and is sleeping comfortably and it is no longer a struggle to put him to sleep. We showed our pediatrician the bed from the flyer and she posted it in her office to show her other patients because she knows how hard it has been for us.
-Eric and Elaine Goodrich
Mr. Rubio,
Molly is really comfy on her new mattress. We did have some issues at the start as she was used to being harnessed in - and the angle is slightly less than she was used to. So we did have to alter her medication to suit, however she does seem more rested and is cognitively gaining in leaps and bounds. This seemed evident after we got the mattress from you. My husband, Robert and I got the feeling that you were genuinely concerned about our daughter - which was refreshing compared to treatment from other companies, thank you for this. I do wish however that she would get over the reflux and maybe holidays and overnights with Grandparents wouldn't be such an ordeal. Having to be so careful about th type of food she can have and when to give her liquids. The mattress is the next best thing.
Thanks again
-Ruth, Robert & Molly Paterson
Mr. Rubio -
I just wanted to let you know that we received the pillow bed on Friday afternoon and we already LOVE IT! Cameron has been sleeping in a small "Bouncy Seat" style rocking chair for several months now. He could not sleep in a regular crib with the head raised because (as we all know) babies end up at the foot of the bed because the slide downhill this making raising the head of his crib totally useless as a treatment for his GERD. He has slept so peacefully the past couple of nights and does not have any of the upper airway noise while sleeping that he usually has. I can already tell that this bed was a true gift from God and will be invaluable to us.
I also want to thank you so much for keeping the sale price for us, I realize that you did not have to do this. We are still hopeful that we can get it funded through our Disabilities and Special Needs Board, but if not, a restful night's sleep for our precious little boy is well worth cutting back on something else to be able to pay for this bed. This was money well spent.
-Susan Abell
I am grandma to Kaila Noye, who just turned 1 year old. For whatever reason, Kaila would not sleep in her regular crib. My daughter spent over 10 months with the baby in bed with her, neither of them getting good sleep. I ran across your website by accident actually, was intrigued and ordered one of your beds to try. Since night #1, Kaila has slept all night in her new bed and LOVES it! My daughter is finally able to have evenings to herself and to get a good night's sleep also. We only wish we had discovered your bed months earlier. And by the way, Kaila does not have any problems with her health (no acid reflux, no asthma, etc.), just a healthy little girl that was not comfortable in a regular crib.
Thanks from a very thankful family~
-Teddy Noye
My son has Cerebral Palsy and also has problems with reflux. He is almost 3 years old now. We had elevated the head of his crib only to find him down at the foot of the bed angry as can be in the middle of the night. It finally got the to the point that he no longer slept in his crib and was sleeping in a little Fisher Price rocking chair we used for his g-tube feedings. My husband and I had to take turns sleeping on the couch so we could keep an eye on him. This went on for months. I had come across the website for this bed and figured it would be wonderful for Cameron. It turned out that it was just what he needed. Because of his special needs, he has never been a great sleeper, but he is doing better since getting the bed. He remains in an elevated position through the night even if he moves down on the bed. My husband and I no longer have to sleep every night on the couch and we are sleeping better too! Because my son has Cerebral Palsy, we were able to have the bed funded by our state's Disabilities and Special Needs Board. They help fund things that children with disabilities need that may not be paid for by Medicaid. If you have any questions about that, I will be glad to discuss it as well.
I suffered from nighttime reflux until I began using the Positional Therapy Mattress “Ultimate Adjustable” model. The success of their adult pillow for treatment of my condition led me to consider the use of the Comfy Bed for my pediatric patients. Having evaluated the design and intended benefits of the Comfy Bed, it is my opinion that the Comfy Bed is the best solution available for children afflicted with sleep/breathing disorders that can be treated with positional therapy. The Comfy Bed meets their special needs because it is the only mattress available that holds children in a slightly upright position while allowing them to partially roll within the cradled area to promote proper breathing and avoid choking. I have begun prescribing the Comfy Bed for my pediatric patients with special needs and I am very pleased with the results.
Thank you,
-Ashvin Patel, M.D.
Mr Rubio:
I just wanted to write and let you know that the Toddler Comfy bed did arrive last Friday. We set it up on Saturday and our son did take a GREAT nap in it and looked so comfortable. That night as well as last night, he continued to sleep in the bed but did wake up a few times - he likes to sleep on his tummy and I believe is having to get used to rolling over with the high sides. He, however, did not have any reflux episodes! We also purchased him the fire engine toddler bed frame to go with it (which he loves) but I think the height of the bed was a little intimidating for him in the frame. We have now put the comfy lift bed on the floor so he can easily get in and out of it and also become more familiar with it. This seems to be working as he way climbing in and out of it last night prior to bedtime. Thank you again for all of your assistance. We'll continue to keep you posted on how the bed works out for us!
-Tiffany Kitchens